
Archive for the ‘Tools’ Category

PRXEncryptor Pack v2.1 a more user friendly approach…(Update:Pscryptor)

January 19, 2011 1 comment

Wololo has made a user friendlier version of the prxencryptor coz comeon the previous one was too hard for the noobs to digest, which actually are more then 90% of the psp users. So download this pack and go nuts signing your favorite homebrews but remember to keep it simple don’t go directly for advanced homebrews or even custom firmwares start slow.

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PrxEncrypter: A tool to sign basic Homebrew.

January 18, 2011 1 comment

We saw the first signed homebrew earlier and we already got the tools to sign basic hombrews, Wow!. I can’t wait to ride on this new signed homebrew wave that has just began.

PrxEncryptor is a tool that can sign basic homebrews. It has been tested to run a simple Hello World program but the source also advices to avoid tryig this on any advanced hombrews like iso loaders or even custom firmwares.

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